Capacity Building


Organizational Capacity Builds Power

At PA Voice we are building up partners’ individual and collective agency to make meaningful change in our democracy. This agency is a critical ingredient to building power within communities that have intentionally been denied positions of authority.Our partners come to the table with different priority issues. However, none of our partners can win if our democracy is unstable and grounded in inequity.

While some organizations come to the table with long-standing civic engagement programs that they want to coordinate with our statewide plan, we also welcome established nonprofits looking to expand into democracy for the first time and startup organizations just getting their footing at every front.

A key function PA Voice plays is to provide a range of resources to address capacity gaps for partners at various phases of organizational development. In addition to being a conduit of money from state and national funders to the community-based grassroots organizations that comprise the partnership, PA Voice designs specialized training and mounts ongoing initiatives to make sure partners have everything they need to succeed.

Organizing Fellowship

Black-led organizations in the PA Voice Organizing Fellowship receive funding and coaching support to bring on their organization’s first full time organizer. Pennsylvania Voice staff provide fellowship organizations support in the candidate recruitment and vetting process for the organizer position. Organizers then join Pennsylvania Voice partners’ coordinated programs and participate in Pennsylvania Voice fellowship training and coaching calls during the 12-month fellowship.. Monthly fellowship training focuses on organizing skills and how to execute a strong, data-driven civic engagement program. The fellowship also provides a space for relationship-building and connections with other Black organizers.

Talent and Equity Coaching

In 2023, Pennsylvania Voice welcomed 10 partner organizations into the first cohort of the Talent and Equity Coaching Program. Over many years of collecting feedback, PA Voice partners have consistently raised the need for support on recruiting, hiring, and onboarding staff so they can build the infrastructure that supports their values and mission.The services offered through the program include one on one monthly coaching, customized policy review, and group training as well as a combination of virtual and in-person components.