Our Impact

Highlighting Our Impact Throughout the Years


Keystone Votes, the public face of the PA Voice Voting Rights and Election Administration work group, successfully shut down legislative efforts to impose voter ID restrictions in October 2023.

Voter education materials were created in English and translated into 18 languages requested by partners: Amharic, Arabic, Bangla, Chinese, French, Haitian, Indonesian, Khmer, Korean, Nepali, Portuguese, Spanish, Swahili, Tigrinya, Twi, Urdu, Vietnamese, and Yoruba.

The most racially equitable State House maps in Pennsylvania history won by the PA Voice Reflective Democracy work group in 2021 and 2022 continued to allow voters to elect candidates of choice in 2023 elections. The Reflective Democracy Work Group decided on a State Votings Rights Acts as their next campaign to advance community self-determination in Pennsylvania.
PA Vote For Change is a voter registration mobile application and website designed to simplify the voter registration process for users in the state of Pennsylvania. 

The focus of the application is on the needs of registrants, canvassers and program managers, making it a field-first tool. The app and website guides users through the registration process, provides information about voter eligibility and requirements, allows users to check their registration status and request for ballots by mail.


When Census data was released in mid-2021 showing that the state would lose one Congressional seat, many feared that extreme gerrymandering would entrench incumbents at the expense of growing communities of color. PA Voice worked with our local partners on community-created “unity maps” that model a fair reapportionment.

2021 marked the first time that PA Voice granted money for voter registration in an “off” year; these grants were made to implement integrated voter engagement plans, recognizing that some of our partners, as community organizers, are especially well positioned to combine voter engagement with other issues of importance to their community.

In 2021, building on vote-by-mail legislation, PA Voice won a major advocacy victory that integrated voter registration into Medicaid applications.


When Census data was released in mid-2021 showing that the state would lose one Congressional seat, many feared that extreme gerrymandering would entrench incumbents at the expense of growing communities of color. PA Voice worked with our local partners on community-created “unity maps” that model a fair reapportionment.

2021 marked the first time that PA Voice granted money for voter registration in an “off” year; these grants were made to implement integrated voter engagement plans, recognizing that some of our partners, as community organizers, are especially well positioned to combine voter engagement with other issues of importance to their community.

In 2021, building on vote-by-mail legislation, PA Voice won a major advocacy victory that integrated voter registration into Medicaid applications.


In 2020, PA Voice grew to 13 full time staff and granted almost $3 million to partners.

We developed COVID- related policies to support staff during these unprecedented times and expanded our tools support and services to allow a pivot to remote field work during the global pandemic.

PA Voice launched a legal clinic to support individuals if their voter registrations or voter applications were erroneously rejected by a county and expanded the civic engagement program’s reach from 15 to 25 counties.

In the 2020 general election, PA Voice and its partners helped deploy 1,800 Vote Guardians to assist voters at the polls, monitored extremist activity, provided information to state and local law enforcement on threats to voters, and addressed ballot challenges to protect 10,000 votes.


Ray Murphy, former Deputy Director of PA Voice and Micah Sims, former Board Chair of PA Voice pictured.

Our staff and partners played a critical role in the passage of Act 77, which updated the state’s election law to allow Vote By Mail.

Internally, we worked to ensure that the organization’s infrastructure allowed for the expansion of the team and a transition to a new executive director. At the partnership table, we expanded our commitment to racial equity by ensuring that all partners sign a racial equity agreement.

PA Voice launched the largest nonprofit Census Get Out the Count field effort in Pennsylvania in 2019.

It was a multi-layered approach that included outreach tactics such as door-to-door canvassing, mailing, phonebanking, and text banking. We were effective in mobilizing people of color to participate in the 2020 Census at scale and at a level of effectiveness to our goal of making Pennsylvania’s count equitable and accurate.


Ran a second research project with the Analyst Institute and partners that again demonstrated tablet voter registration is more effective than paper voter registration drives.
Ran the largest ever mid-term coordinated voter outreach program with partners. Began laying the groundwork for the organization to transition to BIPOC leadership.


Launched the nonpartisan Keystone Counts coalition to ensure Pennsylvania would be counted fairly and accurately in the 2020 Census.


Established Pennsylvania Voice as an independent 501c3 organization.

Expanded mission to incorporate representation and reflective democracy programs. 

Partnership established a racial equity and social justice project as part of the work we do in Civic Engagement.


Worked to ensure that voting rights policy reform was centered around policies that would have the biggest impact, laying the groundwork for winning Vote By Mail four years later in 2019.


Shifted from defensive to pro-active voting rights work, especially focused on no-excuse Vote By Mail. Engaged in our first research project to expand civic engagement knowledge in the state. Focused on expanding civic engagement infrastructure in the Lehigh Valley, which laid the groundwork to expand the civic engagement movement into more counties.


Ran a coordinated voter registration and outreach program that moved more than $1.3 million to 11 organizations and registered over 122,000 voters. Expanded our work beyond civic engagement to run a coordinated program that successfully blocked a restrictive voter ID bill in court.


Established first statewide voter registration gap analysis. Built a coordinated plan for 2012 that was grounded in a shared voter registration gap analysis that highlighted opportunities to expand registration rates in 18 counties with changing demographics.


Pennsylvania Voice was started in 2010 to strengthen and amplify the non-partisan political voice of its members. Hired first full-time executive director in June 2010. Ran first coordinated program using a shared universe and the necessary civic engagement tools to track and measure the impact of expanding the electorate, while also reducing duplication and overlap between organizations.