Our Partners

Building collective power to drive meaningful change

About Partnership

Pennsylvania Voice serves as the table at which partner organizations can meet to discuss, plan, and coordinate their 501c3 work around a collective state-wide democracy agenda. Our 50+ partners range in scale, geography, and constituency. We include base-building organizations, issue advocacy coalitions, good government advocates, legal nonprofits, and direct service providers. The partnership allows each individual organization to better align its vision and commitment with larger statewide and movement-wide goals. An explicit commitment to racial justice frames our coalition of partner organizations.

We are aligned around the understanding that:

Democracy requires full participation and representation.
The pathway to power in Pennsylvania must prioritize the political participation of Black, African descent, Middle Eastern, North African, Indigenous, Chicano, Latino/a/x, East Asian, Southeast Asian, South Asian, Caribbean and Pacific Islander community members alongside an activated base of white voters.
A fair and just society will be achieved through multiracial collective action that includes underrepresented and white people working in solidarity.
Together, PA Voice partners build the collective power needed to strengthen democracy, fortify grassroots efforts, make efficient use of limited resources, and bring about solutions no one group could achieve on its own.

Our Partners


1K Women Strong

1Vote Counts

215 People’s Alliance

African Communities Together

Al-Bustan Seeds of Culture

All Voting is Local

American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania

Amistad Law Project

Asian Americans Advancing Justice

Asian Americans United

Asian Pacific Islander American Vote

Bhutanese Community Association of Pittsburgh

Black Men Vote

Black Voters Matter Fund

Black Wall USA


Casa San Jose


Children’s Defense Fund

Civic Influencers

Common Cause

Council on American-Islamic Relations Pennsylvania


Empower Project

Fair Elections Law Center

Hispanic Federation

In This Together NEPA

Keystone Progess Education Fund

Latino Justice Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund

Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

League of Women Voters PA

Make the Road PA

Mothers of Incarcerated Sons

New Pennsylvania Project Education Fund

New Voices for Reproductive Justice

NextGen Education Fund

One PA Activists United

PA Stands Up

PA Youth Vote


Pennsylvania Immigration & Citizenship Coalition

Pennsylvania Interfaith Power & Light

Pittsburgh United

Planned Parenthood Association of PA

Positive Women’s Network, USA


Project HOME

Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia

Southeast Asian Mutual Assistance Association Coalition

Supermajority Education Fund



Voter Empowerment Education & Enrichment Movement, Pittsburgh

Woori Center

Youth United for Change

Want to know more about our
statewide partnership?

Contact us for more info about our partners or if you’re interested in learning about getting a seat at the table.
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